Becoming an Intercultural Church
In seeking to resource and equip in this area we offer training on Becoming an Intercultural Church to local churches and Christian groups. The course is free, and we very much seek to tailor our interactive training to address each group’s particular context and its unique ministry needs and opportunities.

Training Topics
Below are just a few of the topics we can cover with your church group
The biblical basis for an intercultural approach to church and ministry
Understanding Ireland’s current intercultural context
Principals of cross-cultural outreach and witness
Intercultural models of church and ministry
Developing intercultural competency
Practical steps on the journey towards intercultural community
Intercultural justice and equality; lament and reconciliation
Discipleship of intercultural young people
Intercultural worship
Insights and testimonies from our New Irish brothers and sisters
Sign posting to relevant resources
The topic, format, and duration can all be designed with the specific context of your church or Christian group in mind, so feel free to reach out and tell us your story!
Get In touch
Tell us more about your situation, what you're looking for, and we'll reach back out to you soon!